A very warm welcome to Caldershaw Primary School from all the staff, children and governors.
In our last inspection (April 2024) Ofsted judged Caldershaw to be an 'outstanding' school and their report can be found by clicking here or on the Ofsted website.
Here at Caldershaw, we believe that our children are entitled to the very best education and we promote high standards of attainment and behaviour from the beginning. We help our children to develop the confidence to learn and the knowledge and skills to be good learners in school and beyond. As our children move though school, we build resilience and independence and foster caring and thoughtful children with high self-esteem.
We pride ourselves on the fact that we know and care for all our children well and we put them at the heart of everything we do. We are committed to enjoyment and excellence in all aspects of school life not least in our commitment to promoting a healthy lifestyle and caring for our environment. We were only the second primary school in Rochdale to become a Green Flag Eco school and our wildlife trail and pond area provide stimulating outside classrooms for all our children and for Forest School. We have maintained Green Flag status for over 10 years, as well as the national Healthy schools award and the Platinum School Games Mark. We have also been recognised for our Arts provision with a Silver Artsmark award and the Heritage Schools award for our local history curriculum project. Our whole school MyHappyMind programme teaches our children the science behind their thought and behaviour processes and supports their mental wellbeing.
All our staff are dedicated to our children and work incredibly hard to enable them to discover their true potential. We have developed a strong, ambitious curriculum, which is based on the National Curriculum and designed to give all our children the knowledge, skills and cultural capital they need to succeed. The curriculum is regularly enhanced and extended by trips, experience days and visitors into school and our children consistently achieve highly.
Our CARE values are at the heart of our ethos and embedded in our children's exemplary behaviour and attitudes to their learning, those around them and the world we live in. Ours Stars of the Week are chosen for their CARE values; our Team points and CARE cards are awarded to those children who display our CARE values and we embody our CARE values in all that we do. We
Care for each other
Achieve our potential
Respect everyone
Everyone is included
We hope that through our prospectus and our website we can give you an insight into our school but we are always delighted to welcome prospective parents into school to get an even better idea of what we have to offer.
If you would like paper copies of any documents on our website or have any queries, please contact Mrs Samantha Murray, School Business Manager on 01706 658623 or office@caldershaw.rochdale.sch.uk
Mrs R. Trainor
Head teacher
Please click on the image below to see a short film about our school and our upcoming move into Alltus Education Partnership.
Caldershaw Primary is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people,
For more information please click here to read our safeguarding policy
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