Caldershaw school council.
School council 2024 - 2025
Year 2 - Faizah
Year 2 - Zayaan
Year 3 - Jacob - Secretary
Year 3 - Ava
Year 4 - Bella
Year 4 - Albie
Year 5 - Aania
Year 5 - Noah - Vice Chair
Year 6 - Luis
Year 6 - Ava - Chairperson
Save the Children Christmas Jumper Day 2024
Thank you to everyone who took part in this year's 'Save the Children' Christmas Jumper Day. It was brilliant to see so many children and staff wearing their festive jumpers. Once again, we shone like the stars we are and raised £235 for this worthy cause. Well done everyone!
Children in Need 2024
As part of our fundraising efforts for this years Children in Need, classes were asked to decide on a theme and then 'Dress Up and Donate.' Chosen themes ranged from Pyjamas, to Superheroes, to Hobbies and Interests. We had some fantastic costumes and most importantly raised a wonderful £409 for this amazing charity. Thank you to everyone for your generous donations.
Animals in Distress - Field of Dreams
Our final fundraising effort for the year, involved raising awareness and funds for the Animals in Distress charity. Supporting a wide variety of animals, from cats and dogs, through to reptiles and amphibians, this wonderful charity provides rescue, medical treatment and food and shelter to wild, stray and abandoned animals. To help spur our fundraising efforts, members of the charity delivered an assembly to the whole school, in which they shared information on the animals they support and how. The children loved it, as the charity even brought some of the animals in for the children to see and pet if they wanted to. We raised a fantastic £339 for this incredible charity - thank you for generous donations!
Red Nose Day 2024
Caldershaw Pupils (and staff) thoroughly enjoyed Red Nose Day 2024. Pupils voted to come in their favourite colour or dressed in a selection of colours, including crazy hair and face paint. Our fantastic cook, Rorrie, also made Red Nose biscuits to aid in our fundraising efforts. We had a wonderful day and most importantly raised £580 for this extremely worthwhile cause!
Brain Tumour Research 'Wear a Hat Day'
Part of the school Council's 'Big Action Plan' for 2023-2024 was to participate and raise money for the Brain Tumour Research 'Wear a Hat day.' The children had a great time wearing their own clothes and hats (many of which were very imaginative) and for our efforts we raised a fantastic £631!
Cat's Protection Day 2023
The final part of our 'Big Action Plan' for 2023 involved informative class talks from a representative from Cat's Protection, followed by a 'purrrfect' day of fun and fundraising for this worthy cause. During our fundraising day, pupils and staff dressed up as cats (or in cat colours) for a £2 donation. Some lucky children who were picked from a draw, then had the opportunity to paint the faces of their Teachers and Teaching Assistants to make them more 'cat like.' As you can see, some of the results were interesting but the children had a great time doing this. Finally, staff and pupils paraded their feline moves down a catwalk to cat themed music. For our incredible efforts we raised a fabulous £574! A huge thankyou and well done for all of your support.
Caring Caldershaw
As part of our Big Action Plan, the School Council delivered handwritten letters and postcards to residents within our local community. The letters were written by all of the children within our school, with the intention of spreading some happiness and good cheer.
The Guide Dog association.
Well done to Caldershaw-we raised £406-98 for the Guide dog association. The children enjoyed taking part in a blind folded obstacle course which helped them to have a greater understanding of how it feels to be blind. They also had fun playing Pin the tail on the dog!
Alongside our Eco council, the school council have decided to support two animals, which are currently endangered in 'Our World'!
We collectively chose the sea turtle and the jaguar. Both of these face habitat destruction, climate change and many other factors, which in turn are causing a catastrophic decline in these species. Caldershaw Primary School will make a donation, which will hopefully help to protect the future of nature and support the WWF's Global efforts.
Well done Caldershaw for yet another successful
Hello Yellow Day 2020!
Some members of the school council and other students were asked to join our cook Rorrie Fenton to taste new ideas for our school dinner menu! This consisted of Jerk chicken, spicy noodles, home made coleslaw, burgers and lots more!! Most of the children agreed that the new ideas were very tasty indeed!
Look out for them appearing on our menu choice.
Once again the school council would like to say a huge 'THANK YOU!' for supporting our
We had lots of fun dressing up in as many colours as possible and having crazy hair..........we raised a whopping £645!
The third and final part of our 'BIG ACTION PLAN'
was to hold a colour run/race for life at school on Friday 13th July 2018. All the money raised will be donated to Cancer Research a charity close to everyone's heart!
We surpassed our target of £2000!!
In total we raised a whopping £2648!!!!!
We would like to say a huge THANK YOU for your generosity and support it was an amazing afternoon enjoyed by all....
RSPCA Donations 2021!
Huge thank you to our parents/carers for your generous donations to our local
'RSPCA' in Rochdale.
We welcomed Inspector Beth Fazackerley from the RSPCA to our school .She taught us all about the importance of caring for any animal either in the wild or a family pet. Beth was extremely knowledgeable about her role and answered all of our questions!
Thank you again to Beth and her colleagues-we hope our donations help to look after the animals currently being cared for in our local Rochdale branch?
Huge thank you to all our parents/carers for your kind donations to the Food bank in Rochdale!
Many families will be able to enjoy the food,
all thanks to............
'Caldershaw Primary!'
Caldershaw Primary are
Caldershaw School Council 2019/20
Year 1-Ava-Mai-councillor
Year 1-Daniel-councillor
Year 2-Isla-councillor
Year 2-Emmett-councillor
Year 3-Charlie N-councillor
Year 3-Scarlet-councillor
Year 4-Jack-councillor
Year 4-Edie-Secretary
Year 5-Thomas A-Vice chairperson
Year 5-Leilah-Treasurer
Year 6-Olivia B-Chairperson
Year 6-Yusuf-councillor