PSHE & RSE Curriculum
PSHE & RSE/Healthy schools
- We want our children to learn how to stay safe, be healthy and be prepared for life's opportunities.
- Our PSHE & RSE/Healthy school’s curriculum is interlinked and underpinned by the national curriculum and current DFE guidance.
- Our curriculum in EYFS covers six main themes: - Good Mental Health; Staying Safe; RSE; Health and Wellbeing; Growth Mind Set and Anti bullying. In EYFS we also use the Think Equal programme to support social and emotional development.
- In Key stage 1 and Key stage 2 the six main themes of our Discovery Education Health and Relationships curriculum taught in each year group are: - Healthy and happy friendships; Similarities and differences; Caring and responsibility; Families and committed relationships; Healthy body, healthy mind; Coping with change.
- Each topic contains age-appropriate content that increases in complexity and maturity through the year groups, allowing pupils to build on their skills and understanding each year.
- We use Project Evolve as part of our Computing curriculum to reinforce online safety.
- Our myHappymind programme is embedded across the whole school and develops the wellbeing of our children.
- We are working towards our Rainbow Flag award and are part of the Linking Network project to develop our children’s understanding of identity, inclusion and diversity.
- Teachers’ subject knowledge is strong. Teachers plan a wide range of activities in their teaching and learning, often linking Science, Computing, PE and Art using opportunities to develop pupils’ enquiry skills.
- Lessons are engaging and high quality using books and interactive resources as stimulus.
- Key vocabulary is identified and reinforced throughout lessons and on relevant displays.
- Prior learning is engaged and reinforced regularly and at the beginning of lessons and units of work
- Trips, experiences and visitors are planned to excite and engage the children and support their understanding of concepts and retention of knowledge linked to their good mental health.
- Children develop solid and stable personal and social skills.
- They begin to make connections between their peers, their families, others around them and the wider world.
- They develop personal skills and character traits, such as perseverance, confidence, determination, kindness, resilience and compassion.